Thursday, August 26, 2010


Yesterday I had seasons on my mind.  Seasons of life.  It came to me after being inside the school and seeing many moms and dads dropping off their little ones for the first time at pre-school.  For many there were tears as this was their first season doing this.  I remember that season with Allison like it was yesterday.  As I was driving to work Ecclesiastes 3 came to mind about the different seasons of life.  Some seasons last only minutes, others last hours, days, months or years.  I then started thinking about friends and family who are in different seasons of life, some are joyful and some are not, many are facing various trials.  I then lifted up each friend/family  that are in seasons of sadness, mourning, uncertainty, knowing from my own season experience there is a Heavenly Father who is with us every moment of every Season and will always be there to carry us through, as we walk through each season with faith trusting in Jesus.

Ecclesiastes 3:1  "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

1 comment:

  1. Deanna, what a gorgeous Blog!!!!!!!! I just love the way you've chose to do it and your Posts are awesome :) God definitely answered your prayers on this sweetie and I know he's soooooooooo proud of you!!!!!!!!! Hugs :)
