Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just Enough Light...

Just Enough Light....
(by Stormie Omartian)

Sometimes only the step I'm on,
  or the very next one ahead,
     is all that is illuminated for me.
God gives just the amount of light I need
   for the exact moment I need it.
At those times I walk in surrender to faith,
  unable to see the future
  and not fully comprehending the past.
And because it is God who has given me
  what light I have,
       I know I must reject the fear and
      doubt that threatens to overtake me.
I must determine to be content where
      I am, and allow God to get me where I
            need to go.
I walk forward,
           one step at a time,
                 fully trusting that
                       the light God sheds
                             is  absolutely sufficient.

......come and let us walk in the light of the lord.
      (Isaiah 2:5)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Yesterday I had seasons on my mind.  Seasons of life.  It came to me after being inside the school and seeing many moms and dads dropping off their little ones for the first time at pre-school.  For many there were tears as this was their first season doing this.  I remember that season with Allison like it was yesterday.  As I was driving to work Ecclesiastes 3 came to mind about the different seasons of life.  Some seasons last only minutes, others last hours, days, months or years.  I then started thinking about friends and family who are in different seasons of life, some are joyful and some are not, many are facing various trials.  I then lifted up each friend/family  that are in seasons of sadness, mourning, uncertainty, knowing from my own season experience there is a Heavenly Father who is with us every moment of every Season and will always be there to carry us through, as we walk through each season with faith trusting in Jesus.

Ecclesiastes 3:1  "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Train up a child.........

I am sitting here once again with mixed emotions.  Tomorrow Allison will begin 4th grade, each milestone in her life makes me happy and sad at the same time.  I receive such joy watching her grow and learn, and also at times feel sadness because each step of independence and growth she makes, feels like I am needed just a bit less.

I am excited for this school year, excited to watch her grow and learn, excited to see what God has in store for her not only for this year, but for her life.

Miss Meyer sent home a paper where parents had to write down 3 goals they had for their child for fourth grade.  My first goal was:  1.  To continue to grow spiritually. To continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of  Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.  For Allison to have a servants heart.  I remember so clearly years ago my friend Merri saying "you can teach your children all the academics you want, but if you don't capture their hearts then it will be worth nothing."    I have hidden her words of wisdom in my heart.


"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he grows old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6(NIV)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My ways are not His ways

I orginally started creating a blog that would be dedicated to my love of knitting, beginning sewing adventures and scrapbooking.  However, everytime I worked on the blog it just didn't look right, couldn't get the lettering right, colors right, pictures posted I gave up.   But not for long, I came back again to it and still the same results, this time though it was a work night and around midnight I was so tired, but so determined to finish what I started, then suddenly it came to me the blog I was trying to create wasn't the one God wanted me to create.  After seeking His wisdom and leading this is where He has led to me to at this point.  I will still post about knitting, sewing and scrapbooking, but my way of doing it wasn't His way. 

So now my blog is dedicated to my walk with my extraoridnary God(borrowed extraordinary God from Lisa Smith), accompanied with  various gifts he has blessed me with. 


"Whether you turn to the right or to the left your ears will a voice behind you, saying, this is the way; walk in it."  Isaiah 30:18